Your journey to the Cloud
SCG provides a range of private Cloud, physical co-location and hybrid services.
We ensure that whatever the preferred option, your data and central computing resource is secure, backed-up and managed by a highly experienced team of professionals, who specialise in the operation of mission critical data centre environments.
Resilient Data Centres
Each data centre is highly resilient and benefits from a design tailored to provide an uninterrupted service. This includes multiple and diversely routed power sources, backed up by standalone power capabilities, air conditioning, fire suppression and manned 24/7 security.
Clear, concise and timely communication relies on resilience and security, whether your data is simply being transmitted from one location to another or being stored in data centres to provide off-site back-up or anytime access.
Virtual Data Centres
We operate wholly-owned virtual data centres enabling us to have absolute visibility and control of your virtual environment. This means you can be assured that it is fully secure, backed up and managed by our experienced team.
Business Continuity &
Disaster Recovery
Business Continuity, Disaster Recovery and Back-up services are a bit like phone insurance – everyone begrudges paying for them as they hope never to use them.
Cloud Co-location Solutions
Co-location can save business over 50% on running costs, dramatically reduce their carbon footprint and improve productivity.
Hybrid Cloud Solutions
SCG’s hybrid Cloud solutions allow your business to keep your business systems both in the Cloud and onsite whilst managing data and applications to be shared between both.
Cloud Migration Services
We offer expertise, advice and support to ensure a smooth migration to the Cloud, with minimum disruption to your business.
Data Centre Hosting –
Crown Campus
The proximity of Crown Hosting to our locations enables fast and secure communication between applications that reside on legacy public sector system, and datasets that need to run on traditional hardware, with Cloud hosted applications.